Gather the valid documentation required for registration listed on this page, as well as a valid email address for your Driver.
Driver Qualification Form
New & Existing Driver
Getting Started
Step 1
Step 2
Complete and submit the Driver’s Q-Form. It will be sent directly to our team for processing.
Please note: Processing can take up to 24hrs (or 1 business day).
Step 3
Check your email for the activation key and test instructions. If you have requested that the email be sent directly to your Driver, please instruct your Driver to check their email.
Once their Q-form has been processed, and they receive the email, they will be able to begin their tests.
Step 4
Track your email for notification of test completion. This update will be sent to you, our team, and the requested Terminals. The Terminals will need to review and approve the Driver’s file.
Step 5
Check your email for confirmation of access to the new Certification Card!
Study Material
As a professional petroleum driver, it is critical that your training and expertise is sufficient to ensure that safety is never compromised with respect to life, property, and our environment.
Professional Petroleum Driver's ManualColour-Coded SystemDriver Information
First and last name, previous Canadian Fuels Card # (if applicable), date of completion for 10 supervised loads.
Driver’s License
Valid Provincial Driver’s License, including license number and province of issue.
TDG / TMD (Transportation of Dangerous Goods)
Valid TDG Certification, including date of issue.
TDG certification is valid for 3 years. These regulations prescribe safety standards and shipping requirements for thousands of dangerous goods to better promote public safety.
WHMIS / SIMDUT (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System)
Valid WHMIS Certification, including date of issue.
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System, or WHMIS, is a comprehensive labeling system providing information on the safe use of hazardous materials in the workplace. Drivers need to update their WHMIS if they change their position or company.
ERP – Emergency Response Plan
An Emergency Response Plan (ERP) describes what to do in the event of a release or anticipated release of certain higher-risk dangerous goods while they are in transport.
The Driver Certification Program requires Drivers to review the Land Transportation Emergency Response Guidelines (LTER) document every 3 years, including a review of the eleven elements of an ERP, listed on page 10 of the LTER document. This document is available in English and French under ‘Driver Certification Guidance Material’ at